Christianity Explored
Christianity Explored
Christianity Explored gives people time and space to discover the best news they’ve ever heard. Over seven interactive sessions, as they explore Mark’s Gospel, people find out who Jesus is, what he achieved, and what it means for us today.
If you are interested in attending one of our Tuesday evening courses, or for more information, contact Rev. Andy
Discipleship Groups

Find out about a Discipleship Group* near you
We meet weekly in small groups, usually 5-10 people in each. They are a way to get to know a few people better, enjoy fellowship, and, most importantly, encourage and support each other through the specifics of our day to day lives.
Meetings include some time hearing from God through His word (This may be in Bible study or in discussing a Bible talk from written or DVD course material) and spending time praying with and for each other.
Many people find this weekly time a valuable way to refocus on God and apply His truths to our daily lives. It is also a marvellous way to see Him at work in and through our brothers and sisters in Christ.
We strongly encourage you to join a group. If you’re interested, please let David Waine know (homegroups@bucklandchurchdevon.co.uk, 01822 819747). He can point you in the direction of a group leader, depending on what times you are free and what sort of format you’d prefer.
There are discipleship groups spread throughout the Parish. Most meet in the evenings but there are also day time groups.

Men's Events
More Information Coming Soon...

Breakfast Book Club
I extend a warm welcome to anyone who would like to join our Christian Book Club.
We meet every 6 weeks or so and discuss a Christian book which we have all read (or not). I would like to say that it is open to men and women but, hand on heart, I cannot lie so far it has just been women who have come along. Women and book clubs just seem to work – I make no apologies for it! I have joined several over the years and it is something about having an ‘excuse’ to get together and chat, preferably over some delicious snacks or refreshment, which has made book clubs a popular pastime for the fairer sex.
I decided to start one in Buckland because I enjoy the opportunity to meet with others and have an in depth discussion. I particularly wanted to start a Christian one because I wanted to lift up my own reading selection to books that require thought, investigation, debate and reflection. So far we have read biographies, fictional stories and theological texts. It has been a hit and miss affair with some of the choices (much like any book club) but I have always come away with some nuggets of truth or points to ponder on. I particularly like biographies where I can see normal people working in extraordinary ways – it gives me something to aspire to.
We have at least 20 names on the book club list. An email is sent out with the book selected and a date set. I would like to lay down the gauntlet to the Men’s Breakfast and say that our breakfasts are varied and always delicious. Everyone shares in bringing the food to the table. We are a group of warm, welcoming people ready to learn, listen and respect.
If you would like to come along (don’t be put off if you don’t get around to read all the book!) To find out the title of the next book and the planned venue for our meeting then please contact Cally Barnes at callyb67@hotmail.co.uk