What's Christianity About?
The Story of God, the World and you!
This is a place to explore the big questions of life. We don’t assume you believe in God but we hope you’ll take the time to engage with his story.
It can be told as simply as 3, 2, 1…
Recommended Book
“It’s hard to fight sin when you can’t see what’s happening; it’s hard to beat Satan when he’s blindfolded you.”
"The battle against sin, the world, and the devil is constantly raging.. Although we’re aware that there is an enemy, we’re often caught off-guard running for cover rather than advancing confidently like well-equipped soldiers.
Graham Beynon seeks to change this in Know Your Enemy. Graham hones our battle skills and prepares us to fight the good fight by helping us to know both ourselves and our enemy better. In six manageable chapters... we’ll learn more about Satan’s strategy and more about ourselves and where we may be weak to attack.
The fight against sin will continue throughout our lives but it is possible to fight our enemy more confidently and more effectively."
Available for £1 donation at the back of church.
Books & Resources
Ten of Those "Our mission is to support Christian ministry through the provision of quality Christian resources."
The Good Book Company "It is our privilege to create and select trustworthy, relevant and accessible resources that will encourage you and your church family to keep going, keep growing and keep sharing your faith."
Bible Reading & Prayer Apps
The Explore App contains daily Bible readings with questions to help you engage
with the Bible.
Truth For Life An excellent bible teaching app and devotional resource. Download the full-featured Truth For Life app and access all of the teaching available from Truth For Life with Alistair Begg.
The Time to Pray App presents everything you need for Daily Prayer, with links to the times and seasons of the church calendar.
The Bible Project Learn how to read the Bible, Our mission is to help people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus.
The Kids Bible App A fantastic interactive App encouraging children to engage with the BIG story of the Bible, with interactive Bible stories, quizzes and more.
Useful Websites
Solid Joys By fueling our minds with truth day after day, our hearts will grow to see God as a satisfying treasure. Read or listen to a short, God-centered devotional from John Piper for every day of the year.
The Gospel Coalition "The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centred on the gospel of Jesus Christ."
Youth Devotion A year long plan of daily devotionals encouraging teens to connect with the Bible that they might grow in their depth of knowledge and insight and so draw closer to Jesus.
Faith In Kids have some fantastic resources to support parents in discipling their children at home. From materials to facilitate family devotionals to a podcast discussing the joys and struggles of raising children to know and love the Lord Jesus - their site is well worth checking out!
Great Music For Kids!
Seeds Family Worship is a ministry on mission to see God’s Word, the Bible, planted in as many homes and hearts as possible around the world.
Awesome Cutlery "Our mission is to help families worship Jesus together."
Helpful Articles
"The Sensuous Christian" Knowing Scripture
by R C Sproul
"Discipleship is for The Entire Church" Radical
by Matt Francisco
"Do This Breathing Exercise for Healthy Christian Living" Spiritual Breathing
“How to Subtly Abandon Your Bible's Authority”
”Make fear your friend”
"The Importance of Discipleship and Growth"

Prayer Chain
Have you ever had times when you would have liked to have prayer support for a particular situation?
God promises us in His Word that He hears every word that we pray to Him. Like a good parent, He is waiting, ready, and willing to listen to our worries, concerns and needs.
St Andrew’s Church Buckland Monachorum have a prayer chain which operates for prayer needs. It consists of members of the congregation who are passionate intercessors. Over the years we have seen many wonderful answers to prayer. Prayers are kept in strict confidence and the prayer chain is available to all.
Words of comfort from the Bible:
Our Prayer Chain, as imagined by our Sunday School Class.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”
Philippians 4:6-7
Please contact Denise or Bronia if you would like prayer, either directly in person, or fill in the contact form on our "Contact Us" page and select "Prayer Chain". All requests are held in the strictest of confidence, and any e-mails are quickly deleted. Thank you.
Outreach Magazine
Outreach Magazine is our local publication produced entirely by volunteers for our Parish, and supported solely by subscriptions and local advertisers. An online version is available to view below and this is updated six times a year.
The Editor is always keen to receive news items and images, and every effort will be made to share any local news that may be relevant to our readers. A balance between Community, Church and local organisations is kept so there is useful information for all who live in Buckland, Crapstone and Milton Combe.
New contributors and/or editors would be most welcome.
Click the button below to see the latest edition and learn more about the magazine.