The Bishop of Exeter or Plymouth visits every two years and conducts a confirmation service. This service of celebration provides scope to publicly confess Christ in the presence of the church, family and friends. Promises of response to the grace of God are vocalised.
Traditionally this has been a time when members of our church youth groups have indicated a desire to take up the cross and follow Christ.
The emphasis of the service
The particular emphasis of the service is the presence and power of the Holy Spirit:
Let your Holy Spirit rest upon them:
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding;
The Spirit of counsel and inward strength;
The Spirit of knowledge and true godliness;
And let their delight be in the fear of the Lord.
A later very meaningful prayer is this one:
Defend O Lord your servants with your heavenly grace,
That they may continue yours for ever,
And daily increase in your Holy Spirit more and more,
Until they come to your everlasting kingdom.
The infilling of the Holy Spirit
The Church of England does not restrict the coming of the Holy Spirit to the laying on of hands by the Bishop. This can be a time of significance; ideally it always will indicate a fresh consecration to Jesus and the following of his will. It is potentially a time to be equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit for future guidance and service.
The actual infilling of God’s Holy Spirit may occur at other times. In addition for every believer there is the need to go on being filled with the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 5 verse 18.
For enquiries about all the above services – thanksgiving, baptism, reaffirmation of baptismal vows, confirmation, please contact the Vicar on our contact page.