Church of the Holy Spirit, Milton Combe &
St Andrew's Church, Buckland Monachorum

“A community of imperfect people,
passionate about a perfect saviour - Jesus Christ.”
We believe in Jesus as the only way we can connect with God.
He is at the centre of everything we believe and everything we do.
We believe that the Bible is the main way that God speaks to humanity and so, reliant on the Holy Spirit to direct our hearts and minds, it’s to the Bible that we turn to for God’s authoritative teaching
on who He, and what life in His world is all about.
We believe in the power of prayer. We want our individual lives, our homes and our churches to be places where priority is given to seeking God in prayer.
We believe in mission; spreading the love of God through evangelism, social interaction, and community engagement, as well as supporting mission partners in other parts of the world.
We believe that ‘the chief purpose of humanity is to worship God and enjoy him forever’. We realise that worship is a matter of giving our lives as living sacrifices and as such encompasses all our activity.
We believe the gospel is good news for old and young alike. We employ a full-time youth and children’s worker and engage with our local Church of England primary school in a variety of ways. We are also committed to working with and supporting older members of our parish.
A warm welcome to our churches in Milton Combe and Buckland Monachorum.
Set in a beautiful corner of Devon, skirting Dartmoor National Park, we are a community of imperfect people passionate about a perfect saviour, Jesus Christ. Our churches are friendly and welcoming; we would be delighted to see you at any of our services or events.
Our Services
Church of the Holy Spirit - Milton Combe
There is a weekly service at Milton Combe. The service is more traditional and liturgical based. The Bible teaching is supported by hymns sung from the Ancient and Modern hymn book, and from the more contemporary Mission Praise.
The pattern of services is as follows:
1st Sunday
09:15 Morning Worship
2nd Sunday
09.15 Holy Communion
3rd Sunday
09.15 Morning Worship
4th Sunday
09.15 Holy Communion
5th Sunday
09.15 Book of Common Prayer Communion
10:30 Joint service at Buckland Monachorum
St Andrew's Church- Buckland Monachorum
There is a weekly service at St. Andrew's. The service is more contemporary and the Bible teaching is supported by more modern songs of worship. There are children and young people groups operating each week, (except for the first Sunday of the month).
The pattern of services is as follows:
1st Sunday
08.00 Book of Common Prayer Communion
10.30 All Age Family Communion
18.30 B2 (A short Bible talk in the church followed by discussion and Beverage in the Drake Manor Inn)
2nd Sunday
10.30 Morning Worship
3rd Sunday
10.30 Holy Communion​
4th Sunday
10.30 Morning Worship
5th Sunday
10.30 Morning Worship
Calendar of Events
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“I find joy in every day, not because life is always good, but because God is”
History of
Our Churches
Learn about the history behind our beautiful churches and more information about our services.